Brooke Estate Management Ltd can assist you with control of all types of weeds, and in particular with the control of invasive weeds such as Japanese Knot Weed. Working in a range of settings, from private gardens, small holdings, horse livery and farms to industrial and road side sites we can also work on and near water unlike many other providers. We have staff trained in the use of a range of herbicides and can apply them using a range of techniques including conventional spraying, vehicle mounted spraying and stem injection systems.
We are Environment Agency (England) and Natural Resources Wales licensed Waste Carriers so should controlled waste such as Japanese Knot Weed need removing we can do this for you, taking the waste to a licensed disposal facility. Our staff hold PA1, PA2 and PA6AW certification for your peace of mind over the safe application of pesticides.
Call us on the phone number shown above, or click in the header of any page to send us an email about your weed control needs.